

新型冠狀病毒殘留能力強,甚至可在不鏽鋼和塑膠表面停留長達 3 天,為讓各個分校擁有安全無虞的教學環境,我們採取更審慎、嚴謹的預防措施,請來專業清潔公司進行環境維護,並安裝「紫外光燈管,固定每日早晚開啟消毒。

紫外線波長屬於人眼無法辨識的輻射線,存在於太陽光,亦能透過人工燈管製造,分為 UV-A、UV-B 及 UV-C,其中「 UV-C 」波長最小,最適合被應用於環境消毒。




UV 殺菌的機制在於 UV 能破壞微生物的分子結構,使細菌死亡或不能繁殖,達到殺菌目的。

UV-C 照射表面數秒後,可將新型冠狀病毒去活化,有效對物體表面及物件消毒,更可應用於空氣淨化,讓現場消毒及滅菌設備更完備。




Health and Safety Defenses
Written by Anja Branch Manager of BigByte

The best ways to against COVID-19 and other contagious illnesses are most definitely frequent hand washing, social distancing, and using appropriate personal protective equipment such as masks. Regularly check your temperature and monitor any changes in your overall health and feel confident in safeguarding yourself, family and community.
At BigByte we have decided to take our precautionary game to the next level and have frequently brought in professionals to disinfect our school branches, take our daily cleaning of the environment extremely seriously and have installed UV lights that are timed to turn on every night.

Does UV light kill bacteria, I imagine you wondering?
UV light is one type of electromagnetic radiation that comes naturally from the sun and can also be created artificially with specialized bulbs. There are three types of UV radiation—UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C—none of which can be observed with the naked eye. Of the three, UV-C has the smallest wavelengths (180-280nm) and is the one required for UV disinfection. 
UV-C light is just one disinfection method shown to inactivate the COVID-19 virus in multiple studies. According to the study, it is very important to note that

“it is very dangerous to try to use this method to disinfect surfaces inside homes. To be fully effective, a system must be designed so that a person is not directly exposed to the light.’’
For this reason our branch UV disinfection lights turn on from 6:00 - 6:30 and 22:00 - 22:30 daily.

It’s also necessary to understand the difference between sanitation and disinfection. Sanitization reduces the number of germs on a surface. Disinfection, on the other hand, “eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores, on inanimate objects,” per the CDC.
Although UVC-C irradiation destroys Covid-19, it should be used as a second line of defense against viruses and microbes in general, since hand-washing, masks, and social distancing are easier and more effective.

We will continue to stay positive, work together and take all necessary precautions in anticipation of having our students back at school with us. 

We can’t wait to see you all again!


UV-emitting LED lights found to kill coronavirus

Rapid inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 with deep-UV LED irradiation

Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing

Introduction, Methods, Definition of Terms

Susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2 to UV irradiation

HealthMarketing Team