
2015年,一群求知若渴的學生前往非洲,期望著為社區做出貢獻以及執行環境保護企劃。在連續三週非洲的艷陽底下,Lily,Michael以及Jeannette三位學子跟隨著Andre老師著手於多項企劃。企劃內容涉及協助研究瀕臨絕種的生物種類,廣至於為乾旱社區與校園建立菜園。這些企劃都是由名為"Africa Impact"的非政府組織所監督。這個志工團體活躍於非洲地區的國家。他們定期召集來自世界各地關心全球議題的年輕人,並給予他們機會為保護生態環境共盡一份心力。這些企劃的主旨不僅在於協助減輕貧困和戰勝飢餓,更在於一同努力保護自然環境。令人讚嘆不已的是,Lily,Michael以及Jeannette三位學子在過程中受到啟發,與其他志同道合的夥伴他們積極的讓這個世界的生態變得更美好。在旅途中,他們也定期撰寫部落格文章介紹所參與的企劃以及新接觸的議題。 讓我們一起來聽聽他們怎麼說:


African Impact not only works on conservation and research projects, but also help in the community as well.  Two days ago, we helped on an eco-village project at a local public school in Bushbuckridge, a large black municipality. It was an absolutely amazing experience to contribute to a community. The way we helped was to build keyholes (circular vegetable gardens) that belong to the students at the school. Each class look after and maintain their own gardens. 

Currently, the government only supports one meal a day (maize porridge and milk) at school, which is definitely not enough for the students’ needs. The eco-village project is a solution to this problem. Here, is where students grow their own food, such as spinach, onions, tomatoes, beetroots, etc. The purpose of this project is to solve the problem of a lack of nutritious food at school. The food the students grow is eaten at lunch-time and is a healthy supplement to their regular diet.  

Nevertheless, it is also about sustainability. The students will sell extra crops to the community, and the profit goes back to the project. Older students will also teach younger students how to plant seeds and look after the vegetable gardens. In addition, they will be able to apply this technique to their family. The influence of this project has no limitations. It serves as the foundation and can be successfully continued into the indefinite future.


The other day we had a Shangaan lesson with our community coordinator: Trico. We learned some basic phrases and simple sentences. This is how you greet an African that lives in this area!

L: Avuxeni
A: Ahe
L: Kunjani?
A: Niphukile, wena?
L: Na mina Ni phukile
A: Vito u mani?
L: Vito ra mina i Lily
A: Una malembe mangani?
L: Nina 18
A: Ni tsakela kuku tiva
L: Natsaka kuku vona

L: Hello
A: Hi
L: How are you?
A: Fine, and you?
L: I'm fine, too.
A: What's your name?
L: My name is Lily.
A: How old are you?
L: I'm 18.
A: Nice to meet you
L: Nice to meet you, too.

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